Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Interview with Richard Dowker

what do you wear in the day?
Well other than my shapeless and saggy uniform on school days, my essential day to day wear are consists of my skinny jeans and dr. martens with either a tee or jumper and a trenchcoat :)

how does your style change from day to night?
Well depending on the weather of my mood, if I have the energy to make a big effort or not!

how much do you spend a month on clothes?
I'm trying to save my money at the moment, but maybe around £20 -£50 at the moment.

where do you shop?
Well I shop mainly on the high street, Topman, River Island, H&M, etc. but I occasionally like to try and find an unusual piece in Vintage or charity shops.

how would you describe your style?
Erm, slightly like a lame punk. I like my Dr Martens and leather jackets, makes me feel more dominant despite being a short ass.

who are your style icons?
My style icons, hmm.. well I don't particular a particular icon. But I do like what models such as Ash Stymest, Luke Worrall, etc, wear. However I do adore Daphne Guinness and her style although she is a woman!

whats your career/ what do you study?
At the moment I study Art, Photography and Media Studies.

where do you go out?
Erm, well I can't legally go out round town anyway.. just one more week to go. At weekends, I do go out to Lancaster though and sometimes Kendal.

What genre of music do you listen to?
Pretty much all genres, I like my pop music, but yet I do like my indie, dubstep, electro and all that.

do your friends have a similar style to you?
Yeah pretty much, we all have our quirky little traits

do you think you conform to a subculture? if so which do you most relate to?
Erm.. not sure what you mean? like indie kids? I'm not sure..

what age are you?
17.. for one more week

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